
1997. “Virgil, Aeneid 1.195–207 (Dryden's translation) read by Kathleen M. Coleman.” Cambridge, MA: Department of the Classics, Harvard University.
1997. “Virgil, Aeneid 1.586–610 (Dryden's translation), read by Kathleen M. Coleman.” Cambridge, MA: Department of the Classics, Harvard University.
1997. “Virgil, Aeneid 4.331–361 (Dryden's translation) read by Kathleen M. Coleman.” Cambridge, MA: Department of the Classics, Harvard University.
1997. “Virgil, Aeneid 6.124–141 (Dryden's translation), read by Kathleen M. Coleman.” Cambridge, MA: Department of the Classics, Harvard University.
1997. “Virgil, Aeneid 6.450–474 (Dryden's translation), read by Kathleen M. Coleman.” Cambridge, MA: Department of the Classics, Harvard University.
1997. “Statius 5.4 "To Sleep": An English Rendition, by Kathleen M. Coleman.” Cambridge, MA: Department of the Classics, Harvard University.
1997. “Virgil, Aeneid 1.1–11 (Dryden's translation), read by Kathleen M. Coleman.” Cambridge, MA: Department of the Classics, Harvard University.
1997. “Catullus 5, read in English by Richard J. Tarrant.” Cambridge, MA: Department of the Classics, Harvard University.
1997. “John Donne's "The Sun Rising" (adapted from Ovid Amores 1.13), read by Kathleen M. Coleman.” Cambridge, MA: Department of the Classics, Harvard University.