
    Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG)

    A Special Research Project devoted to creating a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present era.

    What's New in Papyrology

    Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted.

    Stoa Consortium

    Serving news, projects, and links for digital classicists everywhere.

    Roman Times

    An online magazine about current archaeology and classical research into the lives of inhabitants of the Roman Empire and Byzantium.


    A community-built gazetteer and graph of ancient places.

    Current Epigraphy

    News and events in Greek and Latin epigraphy, including conference announcements, notices of discoveries, publications and reviews, project reports, and descriptive links to digital epigraphic projects.

    Rogue Classicism

    A blog that presents news and information about Ancient Greece and Rome.

    Greek Language and Linguistics

    Provides tools to support learning Ancient Greek, and resources to encourage the study of various forms of Linguistics and their application to Ancient Greek, in order to foster the application of research methods from the field of Linguistics to the study of Hellenic and Hellenistic Greek.